Installing apache is easy. Just double click on the icon to run
the installation wizard Click next until you see the Server
Information window. You can enter “localhost” for both the
“Network Domain” and “Server Name”. As for the
administrator's email address you can nter anything you
Click the Next button and choose “Typical installation”,
Click “Next” one more time and choose “C:\Apache\”
as your installation directory instead of
“C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\”
which is the default installation directory(*Program Files in
Vista is locked by Microsoft Corporation). Click “Next” then
“Install” to complete the installation process. Click the
Next button and choose “Typical installation”. Click “Next”
one more time and choose “C:\Apache\” as your installation
directory instead of
“C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\”
Which is the default installation directory (*Program Files in
Vista is locked by Microsoft Corporation). Click “Next” then
“Install” to complete the installation process.
To see if your Apache installation was successful open up your
browser and type http://localhost/ in the address bar. If
everything is Okay, you should see a message like this:
It works!
Installing Apche 2.2.6